Still in English Channel steaming west, sea choppy.
Reveille 6 a.m. Up and wash, make bed, a stroll round deck before breakfast, and oh! what a sight – the sign of sea sickness very prevalent. After breakfast I went on deck again and some of the fellows were almost helpless with sickness, some remaining in this state all day. By still retaining my appetite (I was not troubled with sickness).
A shoal of porpoises passed us going up the Channel. By evening it was beginning to get much rougher and the roll of the ship quite noticeable.
In the Channel we picked up other troopships to make up our convoy, ten in all, Grantully Castle, Corsican, Somali, Dongola, Alaunia, Royal George, Deseado, Dimwa, California, Indian with British battle ship and torpedo boat destroyer as our escort.