Reveille. Still at Aden, about noon up anchor and steam out of the haven into the open sea passing round the Rock of Aden.
Far out to sea on the horizon see a large convoy passing, twenty four in all with escort. Slight breeze with a slight riffle on the water. See shoal of flying fishes, as they darted a considerable way out of the water, they looked very magnificent as the sun shone on them.
More heats of sports are run off this afternoon, sack race, obstacle race, boxing, being the chief events. The band played while these were in progress.
The nos, ones are questioned on their section gun drill.
Lecture in the evening by the B.S.M on the duties of N.C.Os in India.
In the evening we held a whist drive Ladies and Gents, caused great fun in deciding who was going to represent the fair sex. At whist I had a bit of luck, top score was 120, I gained the first prize in the ladies, I decided to be Miss for the evening, but I never got off.
Walk on deck before retiring, there is a pleasant breeze blowing, quite a change from the sultry air we had while laying at Aden for the 3 days. She had been making 12 knots per hour since noon (average).