Off Guard at 8am.
Been up posting reliefs during the night, and having a quiet read during the intervals. Two occasions go round with the Orderly Officer after lights out.
A cup of tea and a slice of bread and butter came in very acceptable about 1a.m. early morning, after giving the cook some hints about being hungry, etc.
At 10.30 are the usual rounds (during the voyage every Saturday at 10.30 the assembly was sound and all except mess orderlys fell in on their parade deck, while the officer and officers of the ship went round to inspect the mens quarters).
At 11 o’clock all parade for medical inspection.
After dinner general clear up of quarter prior to leaving the boat, all paint work scrubbed, the men did slip into the ‘graft’ and the below decks looked a treat by the time they had finished.
Baggage and fatigue parties are detailed for unloading the ship, in readiness for arriving at Bombay tomorrow.
Lovely moonlight night.