Reveille 6-0. Turn out at 7am.
Steaming East by South. Land on our Port Side, very mountainous and barren with large sandy patches at intervals.
8am steaming East by north. Through a pair of binoculars we could see a large camel corps encamped on one of the sandy patches.
The sea is much calmer now, made Aden 12.30 pm. and anchored in the large haven there. High volcanic rocks on the east and west of us, on the north low-lying sandy desert, while to the south was the open sea.
Many kite hawk flying about here. The water is teaming with fish, which gave a good deal of sport to some of the amateur anglers. There are many sharks in these waters but you rarely see them.
The bum boats were busy again at this place, the natives are all somalis of one breed, much different to the mixed up tribes we met at Suez and Port Said.
In the afternoon some of the heats of our boxing contest are fought, for the championship of the boat.
We had some of the R.G.A. from this garrison on board to see us, as luck would have it they knew some of our fellows, and were kind enough to take our letters ashore for us, and post them, otherwise we should not have been able to get our cards home for Christmas. These fellows gave us good information of India in general, which was of interest to us.
Signalling class in the afternoon. Lecture in the evening, on horse and stable management in India.
After a quiet evening on boat deck retire at 9.15 p.m.